Monday, February 8, 2010

DU: International Crime in Progress

Exposures to Depleted Uranium (DU) and DU dust continue to pose health problems for US troops, their spouses and offspring. The people of Afghanistan and Iraq are undeniably suffering it's effects with illnesses comparable to Hibakusha, or "those affected by radiation" after the US dropped nuclear bombs on Japan.  
How can we stand by while US soldiers are ordered to use weaponry that will contaminate their own environment? DU explodes into dust that can be breathed/ingested. These particles are radioactive, chemically toxic, cannot be cleaned up, and cause chronic and life-threatening illness. Even before exploded, boxes of DU, used as seats, have caused rectal cancer. With over half of Gulf War Vets on permanant disability and a 10-fold increase of cancer in Iraq, why do we remain blind to a problem that has existed for over 20 years?  
Nuclear scientist, Dr. Rosalie Bertel, has done extensive studies that shed light on DU's toxic effects on the brain, causing aggressiveness and other behavioral problems.  
Major Doug Rokke, US Army veteran, with a PhD in health physics and forensic science, was exposed to DU and continues to study, speak and work toward an end to it's use. 
As does Dr. Loren Moret, geoscientist and whistleblower at Livermore Nuclear Lab, currently studying the effects of DU in Afghanistan and Iraq through private funding.  
Dr. Asaf Durakovic, chief of Nuclear medicine at a veteran's hospital in 1991, was terminated for researching the effects of radiation exposure.  With hope that adherence to the international bans on DU use were imminent, upon his death in 2004 a US soldier donated his body to Dr. Durakovic as evidence of DU effects.

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