Friday, December 31, 2010

Ch Ch Ch Changes

We moved this light ..
to here.

My blog is moving, too. Follow us to Daisy O's Safe Zone Home
Time for tu tuff! 


  1. Hi Daisy,
    looks great. Had a few questions but can't find your contact info. could you please email me at i would love to ask you some questions. am starting my own tiny house too. thanks, Grace

  2. Hi Daisy, the questions I have are about your beautiful tiny house is materials. I'm trying to find alternatives to drywall to begin. Now, I'm intrigued by your insulation choice. If you have a list somewhere on your sight that I have not discovered that covers your material choices I would truly appreciate taking a look. Thanks for your time.
    Happy Healthy 2011

  3. Your home is looking good. I love seeing the inside view of your loft, and the tiny window up there.

    Will you park in Olympia?
